Понеделник-Петък: 8.00 - 17.00 ч
тел.: 052 / 50 10 65факс: 052 / 50 10 68
9027 Варна ул. "Цоньо Тодоров" 1


Prefabricated Transformer Substations

Prefabricated Complete Transformer Substations are facilities of the electric power system. They transform energy from grid middle voltage (MV) 10,20,36kV to distribution network low voltage (LV) 0,23/0,4kV. They are designed to be connected with underground power lines. Generally, they are equipped with distribution unit MV, power transformer and switching device LV.


For Prefabricated Transformer Substation in Monolith Concrete Housing - press here: BKTP-M

For Prefabricated Transformer Substation in Panel Concrete Housing - press: BKTP-P

For Prefabricated Transformer Substation in Metal Housing - press here: KTP

For Transformer Switchboard type MTT / MTM - press here: MTT


Prefabricated Transformer Substation in Concrete Housing 


Monolith Concrete Housing  BKTP-M Panel Concrete Housing BKTP-P


Prefabricated Transformer Substations in Metal and/or Thermopanel Housing



Transformer Switchboard




ЕLCOM-МD - design, production and installation of electric power equipment middle voltage and low voltage